Implementing the PIECES Method in Assessing Debtor Satisfaction with SLIK at the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Office
Debtor Satisfaction, OJK Office, PIECES MethodAbstract
This study discusses the application of the PIECES method at the OJK Office of West Java Province for debtors named the Financial Information Service System (SLIK). The purpose of this research is to measure the extent of user satisfaction with SLIK and to apply the PIECES method in the satisfaction survey. The author uses a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires using a Likert scale with 24 questions and conducting documentation studies for data collection. The results of this study show validity with a range of values from 0.749 to 0.933, reliability with values from 0.828 to 0.914, and in the PIECES model, the Customer Satisfaction survey was conducted with 110 respondents, indicating a positive and significant impact regarding the application of the PIECES method in the debtor satisfaction survey, with a strong correlation of 93%. The average satisfaction score for SLIK using the PIECES method is 4.19 (satisfied). The findings suggest that this method is suitable for use as a tool for satisfaction surveys on a service system and yields positive results. The researcher recommends ongoing evaluation of SLIK in the form of satisfaction surveys with various methods and direct suggestion boxes as input from users for better system development.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Athina Rahmah, Nanda Ravenska, Nur Imam Taufik, Caesar Octoviandy Purba

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