TGO Journal of Education, Science and Technology was published by Trescode Green Organization. This Journal publishes scientific articles that focus on issues relating to empirical investigations in education, science and technology. period published twice a year in January-June and July-December. This Journal also uses the LOCKSS system to ensure safe and permanent records for journals with P-ISSN : 2987-4580  and  E-ISSN : 2987-4599
Focus and Scope:
1. Education
All issues about education example education management, mathematics education, language education, science education, history education, economics education, physical education, religious education and et al about education.
2. Science
All issues about Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Astronomy, Science of Health and Medicine, astrophysics, econophysics, Wave Physics, Electronics, Environmental Physics, Geophysics, Science of Economics, Science of Management, Science of Accounting, Science of Law, and Science of Administration
3. Technology
All issues about Information Technology, Communication Technology, Food Technology, Construction Technology, Education Technology, Health Technology, Agricultural Technology, Fisheries Technology, Architectural Technology, Learning Technologies, Financial Technology

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): January - June 2025

TGO Journal of Education, Science and Technology was published by Trescode Green Organization. This Journal publishes scientific articles that focus on issues relating to empirical investigations in education, science and technology. period published twice a year in January-June and July-December. This Journal also uses the LOCKSS system to ensure safe and permanent records for journals with P-ISSN : 2987-4580  and  E-ISSN : 2987-4599
Focus and Scope:
1. Education: 
All issues about education example education management, mathematics education, language education, science education, history education, economics education, physical education, religious education and et al about education.
2. Science: All issues about Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Astronomy, Science of Health and Medicine, astrophysics, econophysics, Wave Physics, Electronics, Environmental Physics, Geophysics, Science of Economics, Science of Management, Science of Accounting, Science of Law, and Science of Administration
3. Technology: All issues about Information Technology, Communication Technology, Food Technology, Construction Technology, Education Technology, Health Technology, Agricultural Technology, Fisheries Technology, Architectural Technology, Learning Technologies, Financial Technology


Published: 2025-01-01

Analysis of The Needs of Number Tree Media To Improve The Cognitive Abilities of Early Childhood in Ade Irma Mataloko Kindergarten

Maria Orliana Adin, Oktaviana Sombo, Maria Magdaena Kae, Maria Irene Oje Fodju, Emiliana Serlinda Wona Muku, Dimas Qondias


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