The Effect of Tourist Experience, Destination Image, and Tourist Satisfaction on Revisit Intention at Bohay Beach Probolinggo Regency
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This study aims to determine the positive and significant effect of tourist experience, destination image and tourist satisfaction on revisit intention at Bohay Beach, Probolinggo Regency. The type of research used is quantitative research with an associative approach that is causal. The population in this study is all tourists who visit Bohay Beach, Probolinggo Regency in February-March 2024, as many as 105 tourists. The sampling technique used in this study is Non Probability Sampling with Purposive Sampoling. Data processing using IBM SPSS 26. The results showed that the tourist experience variable had no positive and significant effect on revisit intention, the destination image variable had a positive and significant effect on revisit intention, and the tourist satisfaction variable had a positive and significant effect on revisit intention at Bohay Beach, Probolinggo Regency
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