Enhancing Civics Education Quality through Discovery Learning: A Study with Second-Year Students at SMK Informatika Komputer Ampana Kota
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This study aims to improve the quality of Civics Education (PKn) for second-year students at SMK Informatika Komputer Ampana Kota through the application of the Discovery Learning model. The research addresses the need to enhance teacher skills, student engagement, and learning outcomes by implementing a two-cycle Discovery Learning approach. The study employs a qualitative method, focusing on classroom observations and evaluations of teacher performance and student activities. Results indicate that the Discovery Learning model significantly boosts teacher effectiveness, student participation, and overall learning achievements. The first cycle highlighted initial improvements in teacher guidance and student interaction, while the second cycle demonstrated further advancements in group discussions and the use of technological tools such as Kahoot for evaluations. These findings suggest that Discovery Learning enhances the practical and theoretical understanding of Civics concepts among students. The study concludes that integrating Discovery Learning into Civics Education is a promising strategy for fostering active learning and engagement. Future research should explore the model's application across different subjects and educational contexts to further validate its effectiveness and identify potential refinements
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