Analysis of Children's Fine Motor Skills Through Garuda Bird Coloring Activities Using Crayons in Group B at Kober Peupado Malanuza

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Rosadalima Bengu
Helena Rhero Wea
Maria Oncilia Weti
Skolastika Mude
Apolonia Bela
Dimas Qondias


The purpose was to determine the fine motor skills of children in coloring activities using crayons with a qualitative approach of interview, observation and documetry methods and object approaches in group B children who were 13 people.  This study explores the impact of coloring activities using crayons on improving fine motor skills among children aged 5–6 years in Group B at Kober Peupado Malanuza. A qualitative approach was employed, incorporating interviews, observations, and documentation. Initial observations revealed that many children displayed underdeveloped fine motor abilities due to limited learning media and less varied teaching strategies. The study involved coloring activities focused on the Garuda bird, allowing children to express creativity and imagination. Results showed improvement in fine motor skills, with 2 children achieving "Very Good Development" (BSB) and others showing progress across various developmental stages. Structured coloring sessions enhanced hand-eye coordination, precision in movements, and creativity. The study concludes that coloring with crayons is an effective method to develop fine motor skills, emphasizing the importance of diverse and engaging activities to optimize learning outcomes. Recommendations include incorporating innovative strategies and media to sustain children’s interest and further enhance their development

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How to Cite
Bengu, R., Wea, H. R., Weti, M. O., Mude, S., Bela, A., & Qondias, D. (2024). Analysis of Children’s Fine Motor Skills Through Garuda Bird Coloring Activities Using Crayons in Group B at Kober Peupado Malanuza. TGO Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2(2), 164–169. Retrieved from


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