Analyzes The Need Folklore To Improvethe Language Skiils of Early Age Children 5- 6 Years in TKK Santa Skolastika
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This study aims to measure language development through folklore in children aged 5-6 years at TKK St. Scholastica Mataia. This research was conducted at TKK S.t Scholastica Mataia Ngada district on Wednesday, 23 October 2024. The subjects of this research were the principal and class B. The object of this research was the development of language skills through folklore. The research used a qualitative descriptive design. The data collection research methods used were observation, interviews and documentation. The data collection instruments in this research are observation guidelines, interview guidelines and documentation in the form of photos of activities. The results of the research show that the analysis of the development of language skills through folklore in early childhood at TKK St. Mataian scholasticism was very diverse.
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