Savings Customer Segmentation Using RFMB Model and K-Means Clustering
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In increasing company growth, marketing strategies must be appropriate. Segmentation is carried out to create strategies by identifying potential customers. Recency Frequency Monetary (RFM) models analyze customer behavior. It is developed based on current transactions and balances and is called the RFMB model. Clustering can be interpreted as the process of grouping or classifying objects based on information obtained from data that can describe the relationships between objects. K-Means clustering algorithm that has the ability to group quite large amounts of data, and partition the dataset into several clusters. Base 65 thousand data from 1 branch, 147 thousand transactions in semester 1 2017, including cash withdrawals and deposits, book transfers, and ATM transactions. Results for 5 customer groups: SUPER, highest score for several attributes, 1,493 customers. PLATINUM, which has the highest balance, 44 customers. PREMIUM, 623 customers who have the largest transaction value. GOLD, 2,918 customers frequently transact, and CLASSIC's new transactions totaled 4062 customers.
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