Development of Racing Educational Games on Temperature Materials For First Secondary Students
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Development and Evaluation of Racing Educational Game for Teaching Temperature Concepts: In the digital era, educational games have become a popular tool to enhance student learning by providing interactive and enjoyable experiences. These games offer a unique approach to learning that boosts motivation and engagement among students. However, excessive gaming can potentially distract children from academic studies. Nonetheless, educational games have been shown to enhance creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, making them a valuable asset in education. By focusing on temperature and heat transfer concepts, a racing educational game provides an innovative approach to teaching challenging topics through engaging simulations that resonate with real-world scenarios. The development and evaluation of TempDash have shown promising results, with higher performance scores on desktop devices compared to mobile, making it a favorable platform for enhancing student learning motivation. Through further analysis and testing, educational games like TempDash have the potential to revolutionize traditional teaching methods and create a more engaging learning environment for students
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