Analysis of Learning Needs Based on Mother Language in Early Childhood
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This research was carried out based on the low level of involvement and interaction of children in the learning process where it was identified that the use of learning language that was not understood by children made it difficult for children in learning activities. The research aims to analyze the implementation of mother tongue as a learning language to create child-friendly classes in WATUTURA NEGERI Kindergarten. This type of research is qualitative with a case study approach. The research subjects were sad. This research was carried out based on the low level of involvement and interaction of children in the learning process which had affected children. Data collection and instrumentation used observation, interviews and documentation methods. The research results show that the implementation of mother tongue as a learning language has been carried out well, creating a good child-friendly class. This can be seen from children's activeness and interaction in learning activities using language. The dynamic learning process is evidence that the use of mother's tongue as the language of instruction mastered by children has an impact on children's learning outcomes
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