Analysis of Motivation and Work Experience on Employee Productivity in CV. Surya Inofasya

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Fauzan Muttaqien
Muhammad Rijalus Sholihin
Gilang Pratama


Employee work productivity can grow if there is high motivation and appreciation for reasonable work experience from the company. If the desires and wishes of employees and company policies are balanced and realistic, it will have a positive impact on work productivity. Therefore the quality of human resources is a very vital factor in its role in supporting the productivity of the company to achieve its goals. The phenomenon of several companies that have not been able to provide motivation and do not value employee work experience, it will have an impact on decreasing work productivity. CV. Surya Inofasya, Lumajang Regency is a consulting service sector company that has a significant role in creating, developing, and growing business actors through education, training, technical guidance, and business incubation services and has quite a number of clients (cooperative movers and MSME actors) so it is feasible to research. This study describes the relationship between independent and dependent variables (explanatory research). The aim is to determine the significance of the influence of motivational variables and work experience variables on the work productivity of CV employees. Surya Inofasya Lumajang. The results of research on 45 respondents showed the influence of motivation and work experience significant to employee productivity at CV. Surya Inofasya Lumajang. The results of the coefficient of determination show that 37% of employee productivity can be explained by motivation and work experience variables, while 63% of employee productivity is influenced by other variables, such as commitment, leadership, communication, compensation and others

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How to Cite
Fauzan Muttaqien, Sholihin, M. R., & Pratama, G. (2023). Analysis of Motivation and Work Experience on Employee Productivity in CV. Surya Inofasya. TGO Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 1(1), 75–84.


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