Validity of Newton’s Law of Gravitation Student Worksheet Integrated of PhET Simulation Software
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Abstract physics material is difficult to visualize, making it difficult to understand. One of the materials in physics, namely Newton's law of gravity, is difficult for conventional experiments to do because it encompasses the universe. Virtual laboratories can make it easy for students to conduct experiments on subject matter that are difficult for conventional experiments to do. The most popular virtual experimental media used in the current learning process is the Physics Education Technology (PhET) application. The PhET Simulation application cannot be given directly to students, we need a teaching material that can guide students in learning using the PhET Simulation application. This is also to the demands of an kurikulum merdeka. Namely, educators must always develop teaching materials that suit the needs of students. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the development of Newton's law of gravitation student worksheets integrated with PhET simulation. This research is development research. The data acquisition method is to provide validation questionnaires for student worksheets to three expert validators. Validation includes six aspects, namely relevance, accuracy, completeness of presentation, presentation systematics, presentation method, and language suitability. From the validation data analysis, a final validation value of 4.15 was obtained with the valid category. With these results, the student worksheet is feasible to be used in trials on learning activities.
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