Analysis of Nursing Care in Appendictomy Pre-operative Patients With Anxiety Using Application of Pre-operative Education
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Surgery is a destructive action on a part of the body. Most operations can cause anxiety in patients. Anxiety that is not handled properly can cause physical and psychological changes. One of the non-pharmacological therapies to reduce anxiety, especially for patients who are about to undergo surgery, is preoperative education. Preoperative education is the provision of information from nurses to patients as well as patient families including various information about surgery, preoperative preparation to postoperative care. The purpose of this study was to describe care with the application of preoperative education to preoperative appendectomy patients with anxiety problems at Soerojo Hospital. The research used was qualitative research with a case study approach on 3 patients who experienced preoperative anxiety about an appendectomy. The instrument used in this case study is the APAIS (Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale) questionnaire for anxiety assessment. The result of this research is that the engagement problem found is anxiety associated with situational crises. The expensive intervention that was carried out was reducing anxiety by providing preoperative education which was carried out for 15-20 minutes. The result of the action evaluation is a decrease in anxiety levels
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