Retail Business Marketing Strategy Development
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The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the pace of the economy and threatened the survival of companies. Several companies experienced a decline in sales to the point of closing the company. The impact of this crisis was also experienced by retail businesses. Retail companies are affected by this crisis because of the direct retail business system with consumers. This research explores how the retail company Syakira Muslimah is a retail company that is unique because it sells Sharia clothing products. Furthermore, the Syakira Muslimah carried out a survival strategy in the company's survival. Syakira Muslimah does various ways to maintain the survival of its business by doing various internal and external analyses. This research explores the Syakira Muslimah's strategy for informing customers, promoting products through digital marketing, and adding other products. This research provides insights for companies to successfully manage companies during a pandemic and after the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a qualitative approach and determined the location of the research using a purposive method. The findings of Syakira Muslimah have a survival strategy by forming loyal customers, promoting products through digital marketing and e-commerce, as well as developing new products to make up for low sales during the pandemic
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