Content Strategy Marketing in Increasing Interest in Buying Stores Panda Lovely Jombang Cosmetics
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Content using technological advances, marketing has incorporated the interactivity provided by technology to create a two-way communication channel with current and potential customers. Using internet-based technology, marketing encourages the active participation of consumers.Our type of research is a type of qualitative research, in our approach we use a descriptive approach, namely the type of data we collect is not in the form of numbers but in the form of words and pictures. Based on the research we did, the influence of Content Marketing Strategy for consumer buying interest, Panda Lovely Jombang Cosmetics Shop carry out several content creation activities - light content uploaded on their Tiktok and Instagram accounts with various different concepts interesting, like introducing skincare ingredients that suit some skin types, how to care for the body, they also create content that introduces what products are available in their store, and so on
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