Learning and Innovating Skills in Vocational High Schools: Systematic Literature Review
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This systematic literature review aims to describe the learning and innovation skills in Vocational High Schools. Utilizing a systematic review methodology, the findings highlight the influence of various teaching methods and strategies on the development of learning and innovation skills. These include Active Learning, Career-Based Learning Strategies, Integrated Teaching and Learning, Project-Based Learning (PjBL) focusing on 21st-century skills, PjBL in Vocational High Schools, Project-Based Efficacy, Skill-Based Learning, and Teaching Strategies. Notably, the implementation of Active Learning, such as Quiz Team and Learning Tournament methods, has proven effective in enhancing collaboration, motivation, and student academic achievements. Career-based strategies emphasize the integration of soft skills. The review underscores the central focus on developing students' character, auto-systemic thinking, complex reasoning skills, and critical reading-thinking skills. Challenges in vocational education are addressed through multiple representations. Strategic steps, including the evaluation of media and learning resources, assessing graduates' employability, curriculum adjustments, industry collaborations, and programs like teaching factories, aim to minimize competency gaps between graduates and workforce demands. By integrating learning and innovation skills into education, SMKs can offer relevant, adaptive, and holistic development for students, preparing them for success in their careers and fostering innovative contributions to society. A systematic evaluation focusing on learning objectives and student needs ensures an effective learning approach and the attainment of educational goals.
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