Analysis of the Fulfillment of Human Rights in Pretrial Mechanisms According to the Criminal Justice System Perspective

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Itok Dwi Kurniawan


This article discusses the effectiveness of pretrial in protecting human rights in the justice system in Indonesia. Pretrial is an important legal mechanism in realizing justice and protection for individuals who are considered to have the potential to become victims of human rights violations in the legal process. This article uses a normative type research method with descriptive analysis methods to understand in depth how pretrial works in protecting human rights. The legal source material for this article was collectedthrough literature study and analysis of the latest legal developments related to pretrial and human rights. The research results show that pretrial proceedings have played an important role in protecting human rights, especially when there are indications of procedural errors, abuse of authority, or potential violations of human rights in the judicial process in Indonesia. Pretrials have provided an opportunity for individuals to have their cases reviewed before they are decided by the court. Pretrial has great potential in protecting human rights in the justice system. Considering the cases of human rights violations that occur in the Indonesian justice system, can pretrials demonstrate effectiveness in ensuring that the human rights of every individual are maintained and respected in the legal process.

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How to Cite
Dwi Kurniawan, I. (2024). Analysis of the Fulfillment of Human Rights in Pretrial Mechanisms According to the Criminal Justice System Perspective. TGO Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2(1), 53–58. Retrieved from


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