Deviation the Principles of Deception in Language on Short Messages in the WhatsApp Group
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The purpose of this study is to describe the forms of deviance from the principle of politeness found in written speech. The speech was obtained from short messages in the whatsapp group. The method used in this study is qualitative with data collection techniques namely documentation techniques in the form of reading and note techniques. The data analysis technique used was the intralingual equivalent method with the comparative comparison technique. The results of this study found deviations from the maxims of generosity, wisdom, acceptance, sympathy, humility and agreement. The results of this study found there were ten data. Each maxim has one or two data. Speeches that deviate from the principle of politeness are often found in lecturer speeches. The cause of the occurrence of these deviations because of the utilization of power in the class. Caste differences can make speakers use language that deviates from the politeness principle. In addition, deviations in short messages can occur because virtual speech is different from spoken speech. Virtual speech has no visible facial expressions. In addition, usually misunderstandings can occur because there is no audible intonation. In conclusion, deviations from the principle of language politeness can be found in short messages on the WhatsApp group. Research on language politeness deviations is suggested to be studied. This is because many language users assume that language politeness deviations are always carried out by child-to-adult speech, even though there can also be deviation from adult-to-child speech.
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