The Effectiveness of the Tapera Program in Improving the Welfare of Government Employees: Media Ethnography Analysis


  • Sintia Nur Afifah Nahdlatul Ulama University of Indonesia
  • Muhammad Aras Prabowo Nahdlatul Ulama University of Indonesia
  • Asiroch Yulia Agustina Nahdlatul Ulama University of Indonesia
  • Muhammad Ashlyzan Razik Universiti Malaysia Kelantan



Government Employees, Media Ethnography, Tapera Program, Welfare


The Public Housing Savings Program (Tapera) is an Indonesian government initiative to improve the welfare of the community, especially government employees, by providing access to affordable housing. Even though it has been running for several years, the effectiveness of this program is still being debated. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of implementing the Tapera Program in improving the welfare of government employees. The research gap phenomenon that is the background for this research is the gap between program objectives and the reality of its implementation, such as low levels of participation and problems in financial management. The research method used is an ethnographic media study, by analyzing online news and discussions related to the Tapera Program. The research results show that although the Tapera Program has great potential in improving the welfare of government employees, its implementation still faces various challenges that need to be overcome to increase its effectiveness.

Author Biographies

Sintia Nur Afifah, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Indonesia

Faculty of Economics and Business

Muhammad Aras Prabowo, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Indonesia

Faculty of Economics and Business

Asiroch Yulia Agustina, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Indonesia

Faculty of Economics and Business

Muhammad Ashlyzan Razik, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business


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How to Cite

Afifah, S. N., Prabowo, M. A., Agustina, A. Y., & Razik, M. A. (2024). The Effectiveness of the Tapera Program in Improving the Welfare of Government Employees: Media Ethnography Analysis. Innovation Business Management and Accounting Journal, 3(4), 533–543.