Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems at BPJS Kesehatan Banyuwangi
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Along with the times, it provides all the conveniences that encourage progress in various fields. One of them is the development in the public sector, namely BPJS. Evidenced by the existence of an Accounting Information System (SIA) that facilitates the performance of data procurement. The Accounting Information System (SIA) can be said to be successful if it can produce output in the form of information in a timely and quality manner. This study aims to analyze the Effect of Competence, Work Motivation, Commitment, Job Training and Technology Sophistication on the Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems. The type of research used is quantitative research. The data used are primary data with data collection techniques, namely questionnaires, observations and literature studies. The data analysis methods used are instrument data test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing. The results showed that Competence, Work Motivation, Commitment and Job Training did not have a partial effect on the Effectiveness of the Accounting Information System. While Technological Sophistication has a partial effect on the Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems and Competence, Work Motivation, Commitment, Job Training and Technology Sophistication simultaneously affect the Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems
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